Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Can you ever have too much green?

 Rambling under Stargazers
24X36                       Acrylic on panel

I've worked this painting up through a number of weeks, it used a number of ideas, subjects and themes I'd explored in about 6 earlier, other paintings. I sketched them together and then used photoshop to do a loose composite using photographs of the original paintings.  From there I worked up the frame work of the painting and then planned the color.

Some of the elements even within the color plan were based on the earlier paintings, (for example the jug and papaya on the left), while others we're designed a new.

I think the overall painting turned out really well, I may work through this scheme again, it's a creative way to explore and breath new life into old subjects. An opportunity to revisit, but at the same time, adapt and evolve into a new iteration.


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